Our days might so far seem redundant – slowly motor, find anchorage or marina, kayak, hike, possibly visit a small town, and you would be correct. But we are surrounded by gorgeous trees, mountains and water. It is so peaceful and serene. We have seen a couple of whales and numerous eagles. Yesterday, our journey was filled with abundant waterfalls along the way.
Our original plan of anchoring in Kutze by a beautiful waterfall was thwarted by the dense fog (we did go in for a picture), but the bottom was not great for anchoring and we decided to get in more miles. We ended up at Butedale – a cool, old cannery that had a long dock that we could tie up to along with two other boats. We are meeting the coolest people along the way, all with fascinating stories and plans. One of the couples is doing the 1000+ mile journey from Anacortes to Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska on a pedaling sailboat.
After tying up, we had a dinner of homemade chicken noodle soup (pat on the back; it was quite good) and biscuits and then donned our rain gear and hiking boots to hike behind the cannery to an old hydro-electric dam that was used to power the cannery. We embraced the rain and mud, and it was the contest to see who could become the least muddy (although once we turned our mindsets to the fact that mud feels good – like slime for the feet!- we could let down our guard). Paul and I are so proud of the kids. They have already grown so much. Andrew wanted to keep hiking, but it was 9pm, and none of the kids complained about hiking in the rain and mud; this would not have happened a month ago. Unfortunately, despite carrying bear spray, we were not lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the spirit bear (a group of rumored white-colored black bears) that inhabit the area.
Mental health check – if you know me, you know I do not like to sit; I like to run around and constantly move from activity to activity. I was running 6-7 days a week and averaging over 20k steps a day. I5 minutes was full of possibilities – I could take a 2 minute dip in the pool, float for 7 minutes to dry off while eating my lunch and reading, get changed, fill my water bottle and be out the door to drive a child to some random activity (okay I would be 5 minutes late). So far, I am embracing the slow pace of life. I have gone on a couple of runs when we are in a town; I have done a couple of workouts on the boat, and the kayaking and hiking has been enough to keep my mind engaged. I have no idea what my step count is; I wear my watch, but have not looked at my steps. I am reading more, starting a Woobles crocheting kit, cooking, cleaning, navigating and spending a lot of time with Paul and the kids – I read with each of them; I started math with Claire and Andrew, and we play a lot of games. I am trying to give them my full attention, and look them in the eye when they talk. The only thing on the “kid” list, is starting Minecraft with Hannah; she has been begging for months now…. The kids are doing well also. They miss their friends but are happily playing Minecraft and Roblox together (I think when they play on their computer, they are not limited to 1 hour, but that is okay.) Paul is Paul. He is happy and chill. He may have a stressful work day but then takes the time to reset with a hike or row.
“Nature is the purest portal to inner-peace.” – Angie Weiland Crosby