We made it to Petersburg, AK July 7th. We really are feeling like we are “in Alaska” now with all of the snow-capped mountains. It is beautiful. The next day, I found a nature trail to take a slow jog:

We had a gorgeous 70 degree day and packed a picnic lunch to set out in the Fournado to go see Le Conte Glacier. It was pretty incredible. The color of the icebergs was a stunning turquoise, and we dodged around a lot of icebergs to get as close as possible to the glacier.

I did underestimate how cold it would be, especially going 30mph in the Fournado. We warmed up when we stopped by a waterfall to eat our lunch.

We had to try the iceberg!

Cute seal friends taking a nap!

Our perfect day (okay, maybe not too perfect in that the day started with Paul visited the medical clinic due to additional swelling. They said everything looks fine.) ended with a quick shopping trip, yummy dinner of homemade butter chicken and fierce game of Mexican train! On to Tracy’s Arm and more glaciers tomorrow!