Desolation Sound

Doesn’t that have a great ring to it? And it is aptly named; a largely undisturbed (there are a few cabins) calm sound, surrounded by beautiful trees and majestic mountains. We motored for 12.5 hours yesterday to reach Desolation Sound. We made great time, actually, until the first two anchorages we tried were too full and without having rope to do a stern tie, we would risk swinging into other boats or shore. We finally made it back to the first anchorage that we passed and tiredly tried to drop anchor twice before being successful on the third (in 80-90 feet of water the amount of line that we had to have out would put us in too big of swing risk). So we were tired and passed out shortly after our 9:30 dinner:)

6/23/24 Paul and I woke up early to take a kayak and row boat around the sound. It is beautiful! We got back before the kids woke, had a lazy morning and then headed back out with the kids for Kathryn to try her aerial silks and then go for a kayak ride. Beautiful!

So far, the journey has had its intended effect: life has slowed down enormously. No schedules, no appointments, no 500 things to keep our minds everywhere but in the present. At times, it may be borderline boring, but between looking up and taking in the gorgeous views around us, cooking meals, unpacking/organizing, doing laundry, there is enough. We have to train ourselves that it is okay to slow down. The kids might say they are bored, but they are doing great. They are on their devices for their allowed time each day – an hour – and then find books to read or legos to build. They may start school early, though, which hopefully will give them the flexibility to take time off of learning when we get somewhere cool and aren’t motoring.


  1. This is so awesome Jamie!! So excited to follow your adventures. Can’t wait for the book to come out at the end of your journey 🫶

  2. Wow!! It’s so gorgeous. There is such a yearning to slow down and let things go, but it’s really hard to do that. I’m sure it’s a big adjustment. Kathryn is incredibly talented, and I’m happy she has the opportunity to practice her skills. Love you guys immensely! Be safe!

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